lundi 18 juillet 2011

Les livres inspirent aussi les peintres

En plus de ravir les lecteurs, les livres inspirent les peintres.

Pour voir d’autres tableaux fabuleux de Mike Stilkey, artiste de Los Angeles, c’est ici.

4 commentaires:

  1. Toujours aussi originales, tes découvertes.
    J'ai toujours cru que les livres et les peintures allaient bien ensemble!

  2. Bouchée bée et yeux écarquillés.

  3. They art looks great but he is just using the books as a canvas. If I was an author I would be upset seeing my hard work and talent being painted on. I wonder how a painter would feel if an author wrote a story all over his painting so that it could not be recognized and never again be read and enjoyed.

    Imagine taking a painting, gluing white paper over it with your story, and hanging it on a wall. Would the painter say his painting inspired the story? Would the painter be happy and proud of what has become of his work? How would the author feel about ruining the painting for everyone else?

    The painter has put the books he used one step above being thrown in the garbage.

  4. Roy,
    J'aime voir les gens qui attachent de la valeur au livre - l'objet - pas juste aux mots ou à l'histoire...
